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A Purpose-Filled Life
A God-Filled Adventure
Hello Friends!
Welcome to my page: A Purpose-Filled Life; A God-Filled Adventure. I chose this to be the name of my blog mostly because that is one of the biggest goals for me: to live an intentional, God-seeking adventure of a life that is full of Him and His purposes. I invite you to share in this adventure with me, especially because adventures are always far richer and more enjoyable when experienced in community and fellowship. I hope that you enjoy reading my stories, seeing my pictures, and hearing about what God is doing in my life and teaching me. I pray that my struggles and experiences will help you face yours in a way glorifying unto our Lord Jesus Christ. I would love to hear from you and about your own stories and experiences and my desire is that this page becomes a place of activity, interaction, sharing, lifting one another up, encouraging each other, and living life together, no matter the different seasons, ages, or places.
-Katie Rose-
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