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Beautiful Daydreams

Writer's picture: katieroseking1katieroseking1

I’ve always been a daydreamer; an idealist. Always. As a child, I lived more in the worlds I imagined than in reality. When I played, I would come up with the grandest stories-- stories of adventure and danger and mystery. For years, my favorite companion in my play was my horse, Jack, and I would find just about any excuse in my make-believe world for us to have to run everywhere we went. As I grew out of living in my playland and stopped coming up with stories every moment of the day, my form of imagination changed. For most of my teen years, I found myself in other worlds by means of reading. I loved getting to know the characters in the pages of a good book-- getting swept up into their lives and experiencing the world through their eyes. I still love reading captivating stories and imagining up some of my own, but my form of daydreaming has changed quite a bit. Now, rather than using my imagination as a means of escaping reality, most of my daydreaming is based in living as fully as I can in the reality of my life… And I love it.

God has been giving me glimpses of His heart-- small, enrapturing bits of who He is and His own dreams. Dreams so beautiful and powerful it moves me to both laughter and tears. And the best part is that He wants me to share in those dreams with Him; He wants me to partake in His will, in His vision. He is working in my heart to make it more like His. He is making His desires grow in me. He is shaping my mind around His thoughts and ideas and hopes. So now, what used to be imagination simply for entertainment with no deeper, more significant intention has been transformed into life-giving, overwhelmingly beautiful dreams about living into the identity of being a child of God and doing the “good works” He set aside for me to do (Ephesians 2:10). I could probably write a short book listing in great detail the many dreams I have for doing ministry, but for now I’ll just say that the more God gives me vision of what He would have me do, the more He reminds me to be patient and keep my hands open. I have the tendency to grab an idea and run with it, especially when it is something that would clearly be for the glory of God. After all, if it seems positive and good, why not do it? Well, sometimes because it’s not my time, or perhaps it’s not even something that God would have me do personally (remember that David wanted to build a tabernacle for the Lord, clearly something for His glory, but God told him that his son, Solomon would be the one to do it-- refer to 2 Samuel 7). Not every good and glorifying task is meant for us to do. However there are also times that the things that God speaks and reveals to us are meant for us to do, and we ought to take action right away. Living in relationship with the Holy Spirit is how we discern what the correct response is. And if action is required, it’s the Holy Spirit that equips us and guides us in the process. For me right now, I am in the season of receiving dreams and being told to wait patiently as God prepares me to take part in bringing those dreams to life. I’m not very good at waiting, especially not patiently, but He’s working on me in that area and I can honestly say it’s a very rich, overflowing season as I get to rest in His presence and enjoy daydreaming with Him.

I hope to never stop dreaming and hoping, to never grow weary of seeking the plans God wants to reveal to me. I so love that He gives each of His children unique passions, giftings, and invitations to participate in His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Romans 12:6-8). Just thinking about the things He has set apart for me, for the people I love, and for each person He has created, makes me want to cry out in worship. How generous and kind He is to allow us to see His heart and desires for His creation, and to then give us a role in fulfilling those desires! What an honor! What are your passions? What is it that sets a fire in your heart and makes you come to life? What is the specific invitation God is extending to you in this season of your life to take part in furthering His Kingdom?

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