Hello Friends and Family,
Happy October! I’m behind again on getting this newsletter written, but time just doesn’t seem to slow down at all! I hope everyone enjoyed the rest of their summer, we certainly have! Vienne, Asher, and I got to go up to Wyoming for a few weeks in August, followed by a few days in Washington. We had a wonderful time. I look forward to when Mario will get to join us. We do have very exciting news in that regard: there is forward movement with his visa process and we have an appointment for his medical exam on October 15th! Please be praying for this to be the final step in the process and for everything to be approved. I am so ready for good news at the end of this long road!
We also just got to enjoy the best weekend in Roatán, one of Honduras’ islands just off the coast in the Caribbean. We are so grateful for the people who gifted us that trip!
In other news since last I wrote, we had some friends down from Cody in June and were able to do some small construction projects with them. We built a complete outdoor bathroom and redid the floor for a family that is involved at our church and didn’t have the means to do those things otherwise. Up till then, they had been doing bucket showers with a few tarps as their walls and their outhouse didn’t have a roof on it. What a blessing to get to do that sort of work with people who are excited to serve! We also got to have a large women’s softball team from Cornerstone University out here in La Venta for a day in August. We spent time with the kids at the public elementary school, playing with them and loving on them and some of their parents who were there. Through this team, we were able to paint the kindergarten and help get new shelving for the students. This public school is supposed to be funded and taken care of by the federal government, but it really doesn’t receive any help at all. We are glad to have been able to help provide for them, even just in a small way, and hope to do more in the future for the rest of the school as well.
Mario has also been busy with all of the final details at the church, and is there right now preparing for the final coat of paint. Thanks to some incredibly generous people, we have wonderful new chairs! And just yesterday the people we hired to install the electricity finished, so we have beautiful new lights and even air conditioning (seriously, so exciting!). We are now waiting for permission to finish the connections with the public electrical power lines, but that should be approved within the next month or so, and we will be set! All of the electricity was funded by a loan, if anyone is interested in helping us pay that off, please contact me! There is still $10,000 that we need to pay off. We also are in need of a generator for our church as the power here in La Venta goes out often. We were hoping there would be enough left over at the end of the electricity expenses, but, as usual, everything ended up being more than we anticipated. For a generator with high enough capacity, we will need about $3,500. Again, if anyone is interested in helping us with that, please get in touch with me! We have already been so astounded by God’s kindness through so many unbelievably generous people. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed, whether financially or through prayer!
Please continue to pray for us, our church, and for God’s Kingdom to be established here in La Venta. There is so much darkness and bondage here, but in so many unexpected ways and with unexpected people, we have seen God healing and liberating and transforming. It really is amazing to see the ways that He is at work, and I am excited to see what else He has prepared for this village. Praise Him!
With love,