Dear Friends and Family,
Happy March! For all of you further up North, things are probably quite chilly. I’m down here in Honduras feeling like I could melt! Summer here starts coming in this month and then gets pretty much unbearable in April. I’m not looking forward to it!
This last month was such a treasure, praise Jesus. In the beginning of the month we got to move back into the house we usually live in (we had to find a temporary rental for the month of January while the owner of this house was here on vacation). But the very best part of the month and what made it so sweet was that my parents came down! They were here for ten days and we had the best time with them. They had tried to come down in November and couldn’t make it due to complications with covid, so it was such a gift from God that they were able to get here this time. We had such a good time just being with them and sharing our life with them while they were here. My dad shared in our Bible study, and in all of our other activities my parents came along and got involved. It was such a sweet time.
The rest of the month consisted of our normal activities— discipleship, youth group, Bible study, hosting, and working at our café. I mentioned briefly in my last newsletter that we were just starting a small discipleship program with some of our friends and so far it’s been so great! It really has been such a source of encouragement for us, and God has already been teaching us so much. Mario and I are technically the mentors in the group, but it’s been much more of an environment of mutual encouragement and admonishment and each one in the group both giving and receiving, and that’s been so good. Most of the time Mario and I are in a position of giving, which is a privilege, but it’s good to be able to be being fed as well. God is so kind!
Mario and I are currently in the process of looking for land here in La Venta. We love the house that we’re currently renting, but it’s not very convenient to have to move out for at least a month every year, and we would like to have the freedom of having our own house, so buying land and building a house is a goal for this year. We would appreciate prayers with that process and just for the Lord’s guidance in all of it. We also would like to build our cafe so as to grow the business and use it as a way to provide jobs for some people in the community, and have it be a place of rest and joy and where people encounter Jesus’ incredible love. It’s a lot to take on and we want to do so in complete obedience and faith with open hands. Please be praying for God’s guidance in all of that. And another prayer request, as always, would be for Mario’s sister, Bibian. She recently got more tests done at the hospital and was diagnosed with multiple illnesses and is currently taking different medicine than before so we’re hoping to see improvement in her soon. It’s been a long, discouraging process…
Thank you all for your prayers. Taking the time to pray for us is a gift that we could never repay. May the Lord bless each of you and lead you deeper into His love.
Katie and Mario Velasquez