Spring Newsletter–April 1, 2022
Dear Friends and Family,
I’m currently sitting on my porch in my new home in Honduras! God is good! Vienne and I are struggling to adapt to the heat (it’s currently summer here– so hot and dry. And no a.c.!), but we’re thankful to be back with Mario. After a complicated process with all kinds of hoops to jump through to get Vienne’s passport, we finally received it in early March and were able to come back to Honduras on March 14th. It was a hard goodbye after a really sweet six months of getting to be with my family and enjoying Wyoming, but what a joy to be reunited with Mario and for him to finally meet his baby girl! They are quite in love.
Since arriving back in La Venta, we have been busy working on our new house! There has been so much to do on it, but what a blessing to be able to put in this work on a home that is our own. We’re hoping to finish with all the indoor projects sometime this upcoming week or the week after, then putting in fence will be next, but by that point the house itself will be fit for hosting, which I’m so excited for! Hopefully our home will be buzzing with life and activities and worship music within the next few weeks. Once we’re more settled, we plan on getting the cafe going again— for now just here on the porch. Lord willing, that will be soon!
Due to pretty much all of our time being spent on getting our house more liveable and ready for ministry, most of our free time has been dedicated to Mario and Vienne getting to know one another, and the rest of Mario’s family getting to enjoy her. However, this week we had the opportunity to make some visits, and on Wednesday we got to do a small home group at a friend’s brother’s house. He has diabetes and about five months ago his health went downhill drastically and he’s been in a wheelchair since then. His name is Marcial, please keep him and his family in your prayers. We hope to visit him regularly, and we plan to also make it part of our weekly rhythm to go visit others here in La Venta who are older or unwell.
Also in March, we started our final semester of the first year in INSTE, the Bible college/discipleship course Mario and I have been doing since last February. We have had some setbacks between semesters, but we’re finally in the home stretch and our group, along with other groups, will be graduating in July. Last semester was an overview of the Old Testament and this semester we’re studying the New Testament. Once we graduate this year and move on to the next level, we will go more in depth with different books and topics. I’m so excited to see how God continues to teach us and grow us and equip us, and how we will be able to use this in the future to better disciple others.
Please continue to pray for us as we prepare our home for ministry, that it would be a place of blessing and where people would encounter Jesus’ presence. Pray for me and Mario, that we would be faithful and obedient to the Lord’s leading, that we would love people with His love, and that we would be humble. And, of course, we need prayer as we are in this new season of parenthood– I know that we will need wisdom and patience as we raise Vienne to know and serve and love Him!
Blessings to each of you!
Katie and Mario