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March Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Happy March! For all of you further up North, things are probably quite chilly. I’m down here in Honduras...

February Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Happy February! I feel like January flew by. It’s hard to believe we’re already over a month into 2021. I hope...

January Newsletter

Happy New Year, friends and family! I love writing, and this time of year especially I like to take time to reflect on the past year and...

December Newsletter

Happy December, Friends and Family! How crazy to think that this year is almost coming to a close and a new year is just around the...

November Newsletter

Happy November! Another month has gone by and it was a pretty full one for us. We welcome with joyful anticipation this new month and...

I Will Rejoice

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24 is one of my favorite verses. It is an...

October Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Good news! I am back in Honduras! I had to jump through a few hoops, and with covid one can never be too sure...

September Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, There’s not much to update since last I wrote, but there is always much to be thankful for and reasons to praise...

August Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, July certainly has been a full month! As well as one with an unexpected change for us, but I’ll get to that...

July Newlsetter

Dear Friends and Family, First off, I just want to thank you for keeping us in your prayers. Things are still discouraging here with...

June Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, I hope you are all doing well and that you have felt the loving-kindness of our Lord in a profound way in this...

April/May Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, I have been totally late in writing the newsletter for April, so this is just going to double as the newsletter...

Living in Tension

In life, there is always tension. Oftentimes there is tension in relationships, in homes, or in jobs, and almost always there is tension...

March Newsletter

The common greeting in Spanish when seeing another believer is: “Hola hermano/a, bendiciones.” Which translates to: “Hello...

February Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Before anything else, let me just say that God is GOOD and He is FAITHFUL and He is KIND. I pray that each of...

Coffee and Jesus

For as long as I can remember, I have loved coffee. Even as a little girl (and I mean little) I loved it. Just to give an example, for my...

January Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Happy 2020! I pray that this year is full of the goodness of the Lord in each of your lives. I’m excited to see...

December Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, Here I am at my dining room table writing this newsletter. However, within the next week Mario and I will need...

A Honduran Thanksgiving

Last Thursday, November 28th, was Thanksgiving. A day I have known forever to be a day of spending time with beloved friends and family...

Beautiful Daydreams

I’ve always been a daydreamer; an idealist. Always. As a child, I lived more in the worlds I imagined than in reality. When I played, I...

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